Add the beauty of peacock feathers to your hair with these fun hair sticks.
The Total Length is about 13" long (length of sticks and tassel)
The stick is 9.5" long, it's enameled black with a gold fan design at the top
The Tassel is about 3.5" and is comprised of 3 beads, 2 charms , and a 28x13mm Gold-tone pewter mermaid
Beads- The 2 on the bottom are a 8x6mm Purple dyed stone Skull and a Shimmer Gray faceted 8mm round. The bead at the top is a Rhinestone covered Dark Reddish Purple 10mm round.
Charms- are made from Thermoplastic: One stick has a Starfish and a Mermaid. The other side has an abstract Mermaid Tail and a gold-tone Bell.
I over engineer theses stakes so they don't catch in your hair. What that means in detail is I counter sink the eyelet into the stick so there is no gap for your hair to get caught, for added security I E6000 the eyelet into place. The Bobble and Stick are connected with a split-ring; basically a miniature key-ring, once again so there is no were for your hair to get caught. And I wire wrap the beads and charms together. All this means that your hair should not get caught in the charms. It also means that it is very securely put together.
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